Ducharme Training Institute, which forms part of the Ducharme Group of companies, provides specialist public sector training and capacity building support within financial management, accounting and governance, whereby the focus is to improve the ability and capacity of the public sector entities to comply with all relevant finance legislation and best practice requirements. Our programme support ranges from update sessions (half-day), to core programmes (3 - 5 days) and extensive training (2 - 3 weeks).
Our e-learning platform, with structured e-learning, videos and assessments, allows for distance learning support via a hands-on approach, where a set time is provided for course completion. This is to guide delegates to progress in their learning, instead of a continuous postponement thereof.
This is in addition to our real-time online e-session facilitation platform (Meet.Ducharme) allows for online discussion and facilitation. Many of our trainings are further supported by our electronic Easi-book e-solutions which allow for remote access to our comprehensive training manuals wherever in the world such training is required.
More about us:
- Expert trainers: Since 2003, we assisted more than 100 different entities with tailored training and capacity building support. We have an excellent understanding of various accounting frameworks (GRAP, IPSAS, Modified Cash) as well as Public Sector Financial Management. Over the years we have contributed to the implementation of various financial reform initiatives and, on our programmes, are able to share practically applied knowledge and insight into the implementation challenges entities may encounter.
- Practical approach: We have presented programmes to entities (client direct approach, to public entities, municipalities, regional councils and ministries) and on behalf of entities to specific parties (e.g. on behalf of South African National Treasury, the Auditor General of SA, The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA), the South African Institute of Government Auditors (SAIGA), CIFGARO, SALGA, Provincial Treasuries and more).
- Theory as foundation: Our learning approach is that the theory provides the building blocks upon which we add the practical discussions for the day-to-day implementation thereof. We are also actively involved to ensure that this foundation is continuously improved. Apart from our content development and research, we also sit on the Accounting Standards Board’s Public Sector Technical Forum which actively meet and discuss the latest Public Sector Accounting Implementation issues.
- Tailor made training: We are also able to assist with tailored in-house training sessions and hosting of open courses. The open courses run throughout the year at various venues, allowing learners to link up face-to-face with the facilitators. We can even combine in-house sessions with e-learning modules, to allow for a tailored and blended learning experience.
- Implementation support: In addition to the training support, we can also provide entities with practical accounting / financial management implementation assistance. This include, amongst others, financial accounting, management and reporting, Budgeting, Governance, Asset Management, Revenue Enhancement and Standard Chart of Account automation & implementation.
- Automation support: Our technical e-solution division can also assist with various accounting automation solutions, such as moveable asset verification app, AFS automation software, interim reporting solutions, municipal revenue data comparison and more